Sunday, November 4, 2012

Women in the D R Congo



Several international surveys have rated Congo as the World’s worse place to be a woman. These statics are based on the high volume of violence in the Democratic Republican of Congo.  According to the study published in the American Journal of Public Health last year, 48 congolese women are raped every hour.

 Women in the Democratic Republic of the Congo have not attained a position of full equality with men, with their struggle continuing to this day. Although the Mobutu regime paid lip service to the important role of women in society, and although women enjoy some legal rights (e.g., the right to own property and the right to participate in the economic and political sectors), custom and legal constraints still limit their opportunities.  They still suffer with trauma from the rapes and abuse of the Genocide militia. The link below is an interview of a survivor of the Rwanda  Genocide.